Would you like to help pass out coats to help children in need in Waterloo schools? Check out the schedule and let Dave Lee know if you can stop out this week!
It's that time of the year...time to pass out coats to children in need within the Waterloo Schools system!
Dave Lee - who graciously organizes - is asking for volunteers at the following times next week....
          Monday, November 27th, Lincoln Elementary—2:00 PM
          Tuesday, November 28th, Highland Elementary—10:0 AM
                                                        St. Edward’s Elementary—2:00 PM
          Wednesday, November 29th—Irving Elementary—10:00 AM
                                                               Cunningham Elementary—1:00PM
         Friday, December 1st—Lowell Elementary—10:00 AM 
Please call or e-mail Dave if you are interested in helping.
David Lee
(319) 231-2188